Sign Up:
It's just like opening an account with us, so fill in your email address and create a password. 

Have a Look Around: 
Choose from our products by using our category links to browse, or use the filters to find exactly the brand, colour, size, etc. that you're looking for. Click on the promos to go directly to what's hot right now and be sure to check out some of our hottest brands.

Fill Up Your Cart: 
If you like something and plan to buy it,choose a colour and size you want it in. After you've made your decision, hit the "Add To Cart" button.The shopping cart item on the top right will show you how many items you've added so far.

Review Shopping Cart:
Make sure you've got everything you want in your cart. If you need to remove an item, click the cross next to it. You can also change the number of each item that you want to buy from here. Once you're happy, Proceed to the next step.

Give Us Your Details:
When you're happy with your shopping list, click the "Checkout" button to complete your order. Fill out your details and shipping address. Now click "Continue to Shipping Method".[Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter here for exclusive promotions!]. Choose your shipping method and confirm your details. Click "Continue to Payment Method"

Choose the payment method that best suits you! We've got a few options to make your shopping experience as easy as possible. We accept all major bank cards such as: Standard Bank, FNB, Absa and Capitec.We also have EFT Options Available and Cash Deposits.For more specifics on each payment method, click the "Payment Method" at the bottom of our page.

Once you have processed your order and the payment was successful, you will receive an email to confirm your order. Your package is now on it's way.